Tuesday, March 31, 2015


I figured out how many pvp wins you need to get Cannon. 1350!!!!!!!! I'll never get Cannon at that rate!!!!!


  1. What are your thoughts on using ponsonby instead of azod... Or use them together and drop a paviser or use robinhood?

  2. What are your thoughts on using ponsonby instead of azod... Or use them together and drop a paviser or use robinhood?

    1. All Bow Users:

      3* Arbalist: Crap. Don't use UNLESS you're trying some type of combo with all the 3* arbalists, Kelly, Nicolai, Absalom, and Englefield in a hero-massacre strategy.
      3* Archer: Very good. Best archer on foot.
      Ponsonby: Bad. Try not to use.
      Robinhood: Bad. Try not to use.
      Hedvig: Decent. Use if no other choices are available.
      Kelly:Decent. Use if no other choices are available.
      3* mounted archers: Decent. Use if no other choices are available.

    2. Nicolai is a beast. MUST USE HIM!

      Edit: sigh..... I wish I had him.

    3. Also, I recoommend only two pavisers in a single rally, so If you're too bulk on those, yes drop one for a mage or a infantry.

  3. Ponsonby's and Robinhood's active skills are bad. Azod's AOE damage is much better.

  4. I got 607 wins in about 100 days. So 8 months of hard work is probably needed.

  5. I thought it was at 1000 at first till I found out it's at 1350 and I'm barely at 900 :/ I was doing good winning 15/16 PVP matches everyday until now that they've put people ten levels higher than me -.- it's not fair it's gonna take me like two months to get him and IVE been freaking wanting him since I found out he was obtainable

    1. Oh that's crap. That's just crap. GG Trinity. Well, I've been doing pretty well in my quest for Cannon, getting no less than 12 everyday. I can get usually at least 12. I have never met anyone 5 or less levels ahead of me I couldn't beat (yet). I can only wish you best of luck!

  6. Got a question what is exactly the skill of cannon

  7. Got a question what is exactly the skill of cannon

    1. Reply to this page: http://ultimateminiwarriors.blogspot.com/2015/05/daily-hero-21-cannon.html.

      It was from a long-forgotten age, an age when I had a "Daily Hero Series" thing going on. I do realize, however, that that post came after the one you posted your comment on. Wow, I've actually done quite a lot of posts.

  8. Hello internet people, i was hoping someone could assist me by answering a few questions, explaining some game mechanics, and directing me to the source from which some of the info im seeing in these forums is derived.
    1) is it possible to have 2 ignatius units or more in rally? What about other units? (I chose ignatius because she is only displayed once under the red book in tavern/ if you can go into depth about the rolling system please do!)
    2) i saw someone argue that 10dodge = 10%extra health and 10luck =10% extra damage, i am very curious as to where this information originated from? Troll?!
    3) does anyone know the fire rate of musketeers in relation to archers, not the heroes the units?
    4) i see a lot of hate on Roderick, or he wont be mentioned at all...? Perhaps its because im prestige 53, but as a frontline unit he has been doing rather well for me (i focussed as many attack buffs as i could on him)...so why the hate? Can someone break down the pros and cons of this unit?
    5) last one, i see so much praise for nicolai...looking at his skill: 50% chance to do 57 damage to all enemy heroes. I did not consider this unit until seeing the praise for him, i see him in a lot of other players rallys but he never seems to do anything but die...whats the hype? Someone please break down this unit?

    Thank you for reading, if you know the answer to any of the questions i posed please respond.

    1. 1. I don't understand your question.
      2. Nope, that is a troll. Dodge is the percent chance a hero will dodge an attack (30 dodge = 30%) and luck is the chance a hero will do a critical hit.
      3. Umm... about 35-40%, more testing needed.
      4. Roderick is bad when there are so many more better tanks. Seamas, GDR, Alash, Reinahrd, even Carter or Shazzo. To be honest he is a waste of a slot.
      5. You know, 50% proc rate is quite a lot, meaning he procs often. add in his two mounted archer companions, and the enemy heroes are just dead. Nicolai weakens at about PL 100 when minions start to matter more.
