Monday, April 11, 2016


This is the end of Gamerichie as of April 11th.
I tried to play this game as long as possible... but if Triniti is just going to break the entire game.... I'm done... I'm sorry for not having finished any of those guides I started, and I'm sorry for not providing you guys with the guides on Eileen and Laverty...
I have no regrets.
This blog might revive when I get the news that MW is available on Kindle Fire HD... but until then....




  1. Bye we may have beens together for a short time but...its was nice #FIXMINIWARRIORS!

  2. Sorry 2 c u go. Ive enjoyed your blog!

  3. This problem has been solved by the player known as Murdoc on Forum.

    With your kindle :

    1 - Uninstall MW

    2 - you must go to the following link and clic in the middle button to download the apk file (it has a strange name with only numbers but it worked fine, Murdoc and I are on the forum for 1 year and a half, you can trust us)

    3 - After install, to reopen it go to your notifications and clic on the one telling you MW has been installed, this will allow the kindle to recognize the appl and put in in carsousel.
    (edit : you may be able to find it in your appl too)

    4 - all inside the appl is in english... !

    Credits to them for it, go try it.

    1. Does uninstalling and reinstalling it save your progress?

    2. Yes I tried but the update still isnt there its sad really

    3. Oh so there's no point to it anyway?
