Sunday, May 21, 2017

Empty Rally?!

I come across some really strange PVP enemies, here's a prime example.
Technically this isn't PVP, this is my legion mate AllMac:
Their rally is literally nothing. There are no heroes, and I'm not sure how they did this.

I entered the battle and instantaneously won.

Alash didn't even finish triggering his skill! What happened?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Yeah that sounds like a good theory.
      But how would his name be"Null"?
      Also, something went wrong and your comment got deleted, sorry about that.

  2. i think this is because some players simply are very nice people and when they don't play they set their rally to be empty or 1 troop, so that others could beat them easily and earn stuff.. the bottom line here is that if you get beaten in pvp - it has no effect on anything, it just tells you got beaten.. so why not?

    also some people are testing stuff, like you do sometimes, with 1 troop something somehow, maybe with legion buddies or whatnot, and later forget to set up full troop...
