Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Alexander and Arthur

Unfortunately I forgot to do a post dedicated to the Alexander event and just that, so instead I dedicate one to just the Arthur event. Well, this event is a LOT easier (I MEAN ALOT!). On the Alexander stage I got stuck on the third one (darn OP William), but on this new Arthur I beat the first four. I'll show the story for everyone to enjoy:

Also, I got an image of Arthur's skill, although I didn't get a image of him casting it (I didn't expect him to cast it first thing), it's called "Defense Halo". Not sure what it does, because it wasn't very effective (my William used Whirlwind once and killed Arthur's squad of pavisers) or maybe that was just bad luck for Arthur. I think Alexander's skill was Attack Halo. Maybe a defense-buffing halo and an attack-buffing halo?

Random image: Arthur's army.

Also, don't think my rally is supposed to be special in any way, I just random threw around my troops. In retrospect, I wonder how my rally defeated the enemy (look at my horrible rally!).