Monday, March 23, 2015

Rally Help

EDIT: View the page, not the post. This post is now a dud.


  1. I sent u my rally thru google+. If u can recommend any ideas it'd be great. Thx.

    1. Here is a rally I've made edits to:
      Left is the back of the army.

      Lancelot Edward IV Sarky Urza
      Nicolai Englefield Octavius Reinhard
      Belthor Sarah William Helmar
      Bellerophon Morgana Gawain Shazzo
      (BLANK) Philinus Leonidas Carter

      Try that rally /\, hopefully it works better!

    2. El Cid isn't really needed in this rally, and since you had Edward Iv in the rally you need to buff up AoE, which Belthor and Sarky in that position can help with. Octavius is better than some people think, just don't put him in the front. Philinus will save lives in your army; get his skill up!

    3. Also, once you get Galahad, you can remove Morgana and put Galahad in the blank space. (If by that time you get both the extra slot and Galahad, just put Galahad in the blank.
