Sunday, March 8, 2015

Story Explanation v3

Mini Warriors Story Explained

Updated this page. v3 now.

So far, from what I can piece together here is the story behind mini warriors:
Staged in the land of Matilda? or Matilad? seen it spelled both ways.
I wish Trinity could spell check their words. One second something is spelled one way, the next it changes the next again it changes. In fact, I almost thought Cooney (god of elves) was a misspelling of Cordelia (goddess of elves)
God of Light VS God of Dark
Balthazar VS Nigel
Most heroes follow Balthazar (like Joan) but some do follow Nigel (like Belthor).
My confusion comes in when I realize my army is split between the two gods. Belthor pledges allegiance to Nigel, and Joan heard enlightenment from Balthazar. Shouldn't they be fighting on opposite sides? Me no understand.
Random fact: Carter is king of the dwarves that live in Noserlin. Are there any other types of dwarves that live somewhere else?
Urza is daughter of Cooney (god of elves) and Ermantrude (goddess of twilight). 
Goddess of twilight is Urza's mother.
But Helmar's description completely undermines that fact.
Helmar's description:
...But the Vikings are a legend along with goddess of twilight.
More confusion.
Random fact: Philinus looks a lot like Sarah.
Lol morgana is short.
Caucasus is a kingdom/empire/country/etc.
Who leads Caucasus?
Who is Arthur?
Two different Edwards: Edward and Edward IV
One is a pirate-musketeer, the other is a king of a island country called Lisle. Lisle? Wut?
Foggy Wolf is the strongest regiment of the Caucasian (sorry for racism, couldn't think of what else you'd call and army from Caucasus) armies. Foggy Wolf is lead by Uriah and de facto led by El Cid. William is friends with Uriah.
Shazzo leads four and his team is known as the "five lions".
Shazzo leads Kent, Tyler, Joseph, and Matt.
Matt competes against Kent for the position of Colonel. Both try to convince Tyler and Joseph that they are the better one.
Tyler and Tor have a sibling disagreement.
Joseph is distracted by the though of his widow mother.
William is also friends with Shazzo.
William is most likely going to become king of Caucasus. Is he a prince or something?
Reinhard leads Sandell armies. 
Where is Sandell?
Nicolai is nephew of Urza. Nicolai's mother is a Bebryce. What is a Bebryce? Googling time!
Not sure what a bebryce is, results came up as various things, such as cacti or something. here are my results, you can see for yourself:
Galahad was once a paladin, exiled from Caucasus for learning dark magic. Now is Alexander's first night.  From other hero descriptions I get the idea that this war can be graphed like this:
Balthazar VS Nigel
Arthur VS Alexander
Holy Heroes VS Dark Heroes
Other Heroes VS Other Other Heroes
Sarky is a human musketeer who feels he is superior to all musketeers.
Lancelot is friends with Gawain and Hilda.
Hilda is friends with Morgana too.
Lancelot has a crush on Cordelia.
Gawain has a crush on Hilda.
Robinhood is raised by Ceva/Seva (can't tell). She has perfect archery and serves for Alexander (dark king?) by choice. So Robinhood is on Nigel's side?
Edward sacrificed left hand to Nigel for power. Through tricks, he gained Arthur's trust. Basically he is a double-crosser. Also simple.
Elizabeth fell in love with a man who only loved her beauty. So Elizabeth used relics to regain here 
youth. From her depiction I get the feeling that Elizabeth is on Nigel's side.
Leonidas is a spartan all over again. What does he have to do with Spartacus tho?
Joan was first to hear enlightenment from Balthazar. Joan of Arc reference.....
Cannon, chief of savages.
Hedvig, sister of Cannon.
Kelly has relations to Baron, and fell in love with Ceva/Seva. Wait a sec...... Seva raised Robinhood. WHAT? So Robinhood is daughter of Ceva and Kelly? But Seva and Kelly want to get together after the war. Is Seva a widower? *Facepalm*
Baron is a childhood friend of Nicolai. 
Merlin: ??? Random 200-year old powerful magician guy. ;)
People who serve others:
Harold and Klaus > Hilda
Lilac and Grizel > Urza
McCue and Lambkin (maybe Valentin and Towneley) > Carter
Una > Merlin
Ophelia and Keith > Belthor
Tor and Dudefella > Joan
Omar, Milo and Marshal > Gauvain
Loras, Pluto, Belloc, and Moses > Keats
Joseph, Matt, Tyler, and Kent > Shazzo (The Five Lions)
Gerald, Bernard, and Donald are triplets.
Harlan and Myron hate each other.
Diana and Elena are telepathic sisters.
Maximus is son of Gauvain's piano teacher, they are friends.
I cannot tell the difference between Gawain and Gauvain. I think the correct spelling is Gauvain as Trinity uses it.
Dudefella? Really? Worst name ever.
Plan to have Baron as king of elves. Xavier supports, Asquith does not.
Luter is a slave owner who has a crush on Euxine, but his slaves attempt to stop Luter from actually doing anything with Euxine.
3 Old Elves:
1. Urza
2. Ladbrook
3. Philinus
Ladbrook's description says that he is the eldest elf excluding Urza. What about Philinus, uncle of Urza? Surely Philinus would be older than Urza then?
El Cid s de facto commander of Foggy Wolf or Wolf in Fog or something like that. Uriah is main commander.
Spanish duke reference...
Octavius is some time of Chikazhu mercenary guy. He is friends with Alash (exiled for shooting the king in the leg by accident).
Charles Martel is the pope of the Balthazar religion.
Frankish king reference...
Gilles de Rais is some kind of mercenary noble duke thingy.
French mercenary reference...
Circe is sister? of Morgana, hates Morgana due to childhood bullying.
Greek myth reference...
Ignatius is royal guard for Philinus?
Italian Apostolic father reference.
Bellerophon is duke?
Greek myth reference...
Eugene is captain of royal guards for elves? Nicolai? Urza? Sarah?
Wait, Urza's guards are Lilac and Grizel, and Eugene may lead them?
Hyacinth is a... a... a... I don't even know.
Bottom line: SO MUCH MYSTERY!

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