Monday, March 7, 2016

Tank Flaws

This is my opinion on the weaknesses of the different tanks. Top 10s #2 will be released tomorrow.

Alash can get easily destroyed by pikemen such as Ignatius and especially Achilles, the ultimate bane of Alash. Alash also doesn't hold well against AOE.

Carter is basically the exact opposite. Although he too gets rekt by strong pikemen, he can hold better than Alash against weaker ones like Leonidas. Carter is perfect against AOE, but is weak against almost anything else.

GDR is the ultimate counterpart to Alash. He reflects damage, seriously creating problems for enemies like Ignatius, but also will do well against AOE. Gilles is more of a kamikaze, and he can't deal with large mobs well. That is what Alash excels at.

Reinhard is a god of tanks as he can hold against very nearly everything. From AOE to semi-large mobs, he will tank until the bloody end. Equipping health boosting gear on him increases his effect, and his only weakness is hero killer skills like those of Robinhood and Kelly. Reinhard can occasionally leak some large mobs as there is a limit to how many units can attack the same unit simultaneously.

Shazzo is a downgraded Alash, suited to tanking minion damages. He, like Alash, dies quickly to AOE.

Cedric is a good tank because of his healing ability, therefore the only way to kill him is with heavy damage applied quickly. This basically means you need multiple AOE procs on him to take him out of the fight.

Terim is a good tank because he has little weaknesses. He is essentially a Reinhard that can resurrect itself. To add on to that, he can deal good damage through his high luck and musketeers crit hits, like how Edward is used by most. Terim can get overrun if the frontline in his row breaks, or he gets rushed by cavalry. Being a musketeer, he can fall quickly to pikemen that have burst through.

Charles the Great is a semi-tank that does really well. Because he has two squads, he can hold enemies back for quite a while. He can lose these squads relatively quickly if he gets hit with AOE, however.

Cantello is the tankier of the two savage cavalry. He gets overrun by pikemen often.

Seamas, like CtG, has two squads, enabling him to hold back enemies for longer. He, too, dies to AOE.

These are just the heroes that are used most often as tanks. There are others that can be used, but are not seen as often.


  1. Defense or health build on rein? My reins dodge is 61 too

  2. Defense or health build on rein? My reins dodge is 61 too
