Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Hero Information Screen Tutorial

This post gives information on the hero info screen and what everything means.

Here is an image of my favorite hero, William on the hero info screen. I have circled some things and will be explaining them all in detail.

The grey circle is what the hero looks like, the hero's name, and the hero's rank level (1, 2, 3, or 4*).
The white circle is the backstory for the hero. (just for fun)
The dark green circle shows how to recruit the hero.
The purple circle shows the hero's troop type.
The red circle is the heroes HP, or how much damage the hero can withstand before dying.
The light green/lime circle is the hero's attack, or how much damage they do to an enemy*.
The blue circle is how much defense the hero has, or how much less damage they take from enemy attacks. Defense does not typically protect against skill damage.**
The black circle is the hero's luck, which is how often the hero and troops will get critical hits.
The yellow circle is the hero's dodge, which is the percentage of attacks the hero dodges.
The orange circle is the hero's active skill, which they will use in battles.
The pink circle is the hero's passive skill, which simply boosts the stats of the hero. A hero will never use his/her passive skill in battle.

*-Attack minus Defense is the amount of damage dealt to an enemy.
**-With the exception of Ignatius, whose attacks ignore defense.

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