Saturday, May 30, 2015

New 1.8 Heroes

In 1.8, 5 more four-stars will be added. Their names have not been released but their skills have been. The folllowing skills can be expected to be seen in 1.8:

 Stone skin: Trigger at start of the battle that hero and hero's squad can rstore {0} HP per second.
 Lands fusion: Release at start of the battle, all dead minions in the squad will become stone troops and continue to fight. After reborn, basic HP will increase by{X}%.
 Berserker: When an enemy's hero is killed, hero will boost attack by{X}% and max HP will also be increased.
 Redemption: {0}% chance to resurrect a hero with {X} HP.
 Legendary artisan: Craft a mechanic fire dragon per{X}s which has{2}% basic attributes of hero. The dragon is invincible and will disappear in{X}s.

 Well, the Redemption skill used to be Hilda's skill, thus she used to be useful, then they nerfed her by changing her skill into a weak self-healing skill, and then buffed it by changing it to the Soul Inspiring (dropping enemy attack) skill. 
The other skills look interesting...

I wonder, if Helmar got the Berserker skill he would be more useful, and if Hilda got the Redemption skill back it would greatly benefit her. 

Is that what Trinity is trying? Only time will tell the answer.