Tuesday, May 26, 2015


My tank rankings (best to worst, top to bottom):

These are only for the tanking ability of the hero and minions, not the general ability of the hero.

Gilles de Rais (only way to counter Merlin)
Alash (dat dodge)
Circe Clone (infinite hp = infinite tanking for a short while + copying the skill too)
Carter (decent, not bad)
Shazzo (slightly worse, try to use less often)
Eugene (at least he has paviser tanks)
Kelly (not suggested, but tanks decent due to her dodge of 30)
Reinhard (only the hero can tank, and only for a short while while he draws AoE and other attacks)
Helmar (only decent for tanking, though the hero alone wouldn't be bad for tanking)
Urza (scaled down version of Helmar for tanking, minus the higher hp stats)
Charles Martel (worst paviser EVER, but his minions still tank, unlike Hedvig)
Hedvig (too average)


  1. Woah woah woah, are you saying that I can use Alash as a infantry/paviser? Wut?

    1. No, he has arbalists, what he means is he is a tank. His skill passes his dodge to his units, which makes them even more tanky than usual.

    2. Plus, Alash can have up to 90 dodge I think (if not more ;) )
