Sunday, January 31, 2016

Triniti Let Me Down

Mini Warriors 2.0....
I was expecting more bug fixes and additions that people suggested...

Bug Fixes in 2.0:

1. Fix the bug that Circe's skill description is inconsistent with the real effect 
2. Fix the bug that savage cavalry 's stunning effect covers halo stunning 
3. Fix the incorrect English description about the Dizzy Shot
4. Fix the bug in the hero adventure quest
5. Fix the bug that some descriptions are too long for displaying

Do those even exist? I've never seen anyone with those bugs and there seem to be much more major bugs than these....

Saturday, January 30, 2016


Paris is a four-star archer. So, of four-star archers, we now have:

-William Tell

And, like the other four-star archer heroes, Paris is not that good.

His skill, Arrow of Verdict, hits an enemy hero who takes damage equal to 1% of that hero's attack...

At Lv12, I think it will just be at most 15% of that hero's attack...
Why not just use Elizabeth/Kelly? Much more effective...
Unless attack is higher than I realize?

2.0 in Two!

2.0 is being released in two days!
This is a big update!

Friday, January 29, 2016

My Crystal Usage

I would not suggest using crystals on the gift packages or energy refills. The best usages of crystals, for me, seem either to be tavern refreshes-which are second to items.
What do I mean by items?
-Minion badges
-5star Gear

Tavern refreshes aren't where I spend most of my crystals (becuase I have goblet overload), and the guild upgrade system is a space where I use quite a few crystals.

Just don't waste crystals, you might regret it later.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Pro Odd Choices?

I see the following heroes as odd choices among pros all the time:

-Edward IV

These are all heroes that target other heroes. Aren't these only supposed to be good at lower levels where heroes > minions?

I kinda get Kelly (high proc rate = dead Reinhard), and Robinhood isn't too surprising (anti-Reinhard), but why Morgana and Edward IV? AOE doesn't even do that much damage at these levels, unless you have Merlin.

And many have full rows that are just mages... are mages strong enough to kill melee that fast?
The age of unconventionalism is rising...

Andres, can you answer anything for me?
I'm not too high PL, I wouldn't know these things.

The Cut List

List of people who will be cut provided they do not level up once within the next three days:



Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Losing Motivation

I'm losing interest in this game... and losing interest in blogging...

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

5 Star Necklace

What... what is this necklace?

Silences three random heroes upon this hero's death.
Why would that even be helpful?
Not using it.

Blogger Mobile

Dang it! Stupid Blogger Mobile screwed over on my phone and yesterday's post messed up. Sorry...

Monday, January 25, 2016

Merlin Trials

Wow... these are real trials... 2:30 with a tiny bit of health left...

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Remember to Level Up!

Okay, so this is how I will determine activity.
If your Prestige is <100,
You must level up at least once by the end of the next week.
And no, this should not be much to ask for (farm PVP or high-XP stages and you should be done in ~three days)

I will do this to people >PL 100 later too.
Log of people who need to level up:

-yuu (67)
-Rendolf (74)
-troller808 (74)
-Pixel (80)
-max (82)
-glad2 (83)
-Austin (87)
-ciko (92)
-Manul (92)

Too Many Pikemen?

Is there such a thing as too many pikemen?
Would it make a rally too offensive and not defensive enough?

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Friday, January 22, 2016

The Damage+ and Stun Rows

I'm deciding whether these two rows I use have any major weaknesses in terms of units...

With the Damage+ row (Hyacinth, Ignatius, Octavius, Saladin), Hyacinth's shock cavalry and Ignatius' pikemen will do 125% damage to Mages, Parthia MA, Arbalists, Nomadic Cavalry, Bombadiers, Cavalry, Scutarii, and Halberdiers. That is a lot of units that the Damage+ row will rip.
The only weakness is against pavisers, but luckily Octavius and Saladin both will do 150% to pavisers.
So, offensively it looks good (remember there are still the shock cavalry ripping through the first line and Ignatius + Octavius' epic damages along with Saladin's damage boost).
Defensively it looks like they will take 125% damage from musketeers, archers/MA/arbalists, and other Shock Cavalry and Pikemen. Bow units don't do lots of damage-that isn't a big problem. So the only problems are against other Damage+ row and musketeers. Sarky has been nerfed, maybe the stun row or Edward could wreck this too?

With the Stun Row (Cantello, Belthor, Edward, William + Scutarii):
Edward's musketeers can do severe damage to ranged units and Cavalry, Halberdier, and Scutarii units. Their weaknesses come in with pavisers. To cover for this Belthor's mages will kill pavisers. On top of that infantry do 150% damage to pavisers. Savage cavalry seem to be able to clear many unit types with 125% damage too, so the only semi-hole is with Crusaders, Spartans, and Heavy Musketeers. So offensively, the Stun Row is weaker than the Damage+ Row, but it might be more defensive.
Scutarii and Cavalry (the meat of the row) have weaknesses against the piercing attakcs of Shock Cavalry, Pikemen, and Savage Cavalry. The also are weak against Bow Classes and Musketeers.
Hmm... I didn't know these rows were so similar!

Thursday, January 21, 2016


The RNG of this game is messed up...
Some people are amazingly lucky.
Others... not so much.
I wonder how Triniti programs this?

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Why the What of the Who and How but When and Where?

This makes no sense...
Why are there so many bug reports on the forums?
Account lost bugs...
PVP matching bugs...
Tavern bugs*...
Pettyfer "bugs"...

*just actually bad luck

What happened to the forums? Now's it's literally a Why the What of the Who and How but When and Where?

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

MW Math #3: Comparison of AOE (Area of Effect) Skills v2

This is a revamp of another post found at this link. Basically I'm just trying to find the best AOE skill by damage.

1) Firstly, list all heroes with AOE skills and list skill stats (as base, since power goes up at similar rates, this should be accurate, with the exception of William, so I'll use his level 3 skill that is about even instead.)*

Galahad: 40%-93 damage
Sarky: 40%-220 damage
Merlin: 30%-180 damage
William: 50%-164 damage
Lancelot: 40%-68 damage
Einar: 40%-85 damage
Edward: 40%-52 damage
Gawain: 40%-57 damage
Mary Read: 40%-60 damage
3-star musketeer: 40%-180 damage
3-star archer: 40%-81 damage
3-star William: 40%-123 damage
3-star Galahad: 40%-91 damage
3-star Gawain: 40%-56 damage

2) Assume a battle is 1:30 long. Heroes will proc about the percent rate out of ten seconds after their cooldown. If you don't understand this, basically it means Sarky will proc every 14 seconds (10 second cooldown + 10 - 40% seconds (one attack a second, 10-40% = 6 seconds). Then divide 1:30 by often the hero procs-so Sarky would be 1:30 (90 seconds)/16 or 90/16 = 5 procs (always round down because the battle ends before the hero can proc again).

Galahad: 10s procs, 9 procs per battle
Sarky: 16s procs, 5 procs per battle
Merlin: 12s procs, 7 procs per battle
William: 9s procs, 10 procs per battle
Lancelot: 10s procs, 9 procs per battle
Einar: 9s procs, 10 procs per battle
Edward: 12s procs, 7 procs per battle
Gawain: 10s procs, 9 procs per battle
Mary Read: 12s procs, 7 procs per battle
3-star musketeer: 10s procs, 9 procs per battle
3-star archer: 9s procs, 10 procs per battle
3-star William: 9s procs, 10 procs per battle
3-star Galahad: 10s procs, 9 procs per battle
3-star Gawain: 10s procs, 9 procs per battle

3) Multiply triggers by amount of damage to get total damage.

Galahad: 837
Sarky: 1100
Merlin: 1260
William: 1640
Lancelot: 612
Einar: 850
Edward: 364
Gawain: 513
Mary Read: 420
3-star musketeer: 1620
3-star archer: 810
3-star William: 1230
3-star Galahad: 819
3-star Gawain: 504

4) Conclusion-Well then... That's interesting...

*for heroes with skills that do damage multiple times, the total of amount of damages + damage amount (lololol)

Myst Issues

Quoting Dadalim: "It would be good if there is a min pl before they can join a leigon[sic]... Myst is desperate... Creating dummy account to spam at other leigon[sic] chat"

Looks like Myst is having some trouble...
This is why O2TE policy has changed.
Members must be active, loyal, have only one account in the guild, and be over PL 65.

Monday, January 18, 2016

The Downfalls of Us All...

The Trinity of Bloggers (me, Kenny, and Wagner) have some severe pitfalls-lack of time-that weakens our post strength and frequency...

Combat + Odd Choices

What I'm interested in is what would happen if i paired combat mages with unlikely choices. For example, would they boost the effect of Ignatius' skill? How about GDR? Achilles? Do these hero's skills count toward “skill damage”?

Alt Account

This is my alternate account.
You may see it used sometimes instead of my main.
Don't freak out, it's still the same Gamerichie you all know.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Inactive Players

Alright, it has come to my attention that there are quite a few inactive players in O2TE at this moment. So, what will happen is that people that are not active will be removed (active players is a requirement of the guild).
How can you prove you are active? Simple. Just send a message in the guild chat within the next week.
Current people that have already sent messages:
glad2, Andres, puwsybause, TheNoobArmy, and Bazzerellie.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Arcane VS Combat

Arcane Apprentices and Combat Mages are both equally used throughout the community, depending on how many mages you have.
For lots of mages, Arcane Apprentices is the way to go.
For a little amount of mages, Combat Mages are better.
What is the dividing point?
I have three mages (Belthor, Philinus, Circe) and I use Combat because Circe's mages help Einar's AoE, Philinus' helps Azod, and Belthors' help William's and Edward's.


People are using arbalists very strangely these days...
I see people putting Alash in the back line...

Friday, January 15, 2016

Odd Facts

Random things I noticed today:

-Arcane Apprentices have blue hair.
-Reinhard has black hair.
-So does Lancelot.
-Circe has markings on her face.
-Cedric is taller than Carter.
-Gilles, Carter, Cedric, and others attack by boomeranging their axes.
-Alash flips his crossbow in the air at the beginning of a battle.
-Achilles' face is the smallest one of any hero in the game.
-Leonidas' pike is blunt.

Hope this opening up your mind to the world of Mini Warriors!

Strategy Changes

At this point in time, I'm sure where to put Achilles.
Would it be more worth it to use him in my middle lines or put him behind Reinhard to clear that out...?
Or what if I put Octavius behind Reinhard and Achilles where Octavius is right now, allowing me to use Leonidas as an extra attacker...
I'm still deciding...

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Why Kelly?

Looking at the leaderboards for both PL and AP i found many 5+1 rallies with... Kelly?
Is there something I'm missing? Because Kelly seems very average to me... unless her Lv11 or 12 skills are really good... I honestly see no point in using Kelly in my rally...

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

MW Math #2-The Circe AOE

Alright, I'm reviving this series!
First one, using Circe as a AOE hero.
Assume a battle is 2 minutes long.
56% proc rate with 6 sec cooldown means about 1 proc every 10 seconds.
Assume she clones a Sarky similar to my Sarky.
My Sarky has 40% chance to attack nearby enemies 6 times for 2205 damage each.
6 x 2205 = 13230 damage per proc.
Assuming Circes clones survive for 10 seconds it is likely the Sarky will proc at least once.
So 2 minutes = 120 seconds = 12 ten-second intervals = 12 Circe procs = 12 clone Sarkys.
12 x 13230 = 158760

158,760 damage is a lot... but I felt that Sarky always gives me lots more than that pre-1.9.
Overall, my conclusion is that Circe > Sarky for these situations.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Through the Storm

It's that time of year again...
Workload at a maximum, meanng this blog is at the bottom of the list... really sorry about that...

Monday, January 11, 2016

Oh Dear!

Browsing the forums, I find:

-Arcane Apprentice Bug
-Nicolai Unit Bug
-DefaultText Error
-Disconnecting Constantly Error

And found a hacker? bug-user? with a full rally:

How did he do this....? Triniti is weakening once more...

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Mini Warriors Future Heroes?

So far Uriah is the only one that can fly...
Triniti might expand this "flying" type hero like they did with savages...
Found some different-looking heroes in the background of this image:

Seriously Triniti?

What I don't understand about Triniti is why they don't spend time on this game...
Mini Warriors is their most popular game (excluding the CoM series)...
So why wouldn't they spend more time on this game?

The Special Promotion Explained

It doesn't give you anything because you need to do it for multiple days...
3 days for Pettyfer I think.
7 days for 3 goblets.
These will be handed out at a date (but I don't know when this date is).
Hope this cleared up some confusion.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

The Special Promotion

So, here I will explain how to use the link in yesterday's post.

1-Enter your UID (not your IGN, the series of numbers you can find under Settings* in-game).
*-the gear button
2-If  "您当前所绑定的信息如下,请再次确认角色ID" pops up, click the button on the left.
3-The message "绑定成功,快快去领取您今日的签到奖励吧!" should pop up, meaning "The binding is successful, go into the game to collect your rewards!

Happy Saturday Everyone!

Friday, January 8, 2016




Mini Warriors 2.0

I've been trying to get information out from Triniti, Sam/fishjia (the admins on the official forums), or any source possible for you guys and this is the best I could get...

V2.0 is still under development 
We will inform all once it is ready

Well then...
Sounds like 2.0 has something they don't want to disclose.

Thursday, January 7, 2016


Circe is winning the competition right now...
She cloned a Merlin.
I think Circe is the right choice-she also cloned a Circe and that one cloned a Reinhard that tanked for a while...

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Three-Way Competition

After discovering Circe has an INSANE Lv12 skill I decided to add her in as a potential contestant for the Sarky spot.
So now it is Circe VS Sarky VS Barfoot.
So far it's neck and neck, but I might end up using Circe so that I can have an Arcane Apprentice combo.
On the other hand-just a random suggestion:
Instead of using tCrystals to switch adv. troop types, how about command badges? Or a choice between the two?

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

O2TE Requirements Changed!

Firstly, if you haven't read the other post, I'm just going to put it here as well.

Savage Priests

Alright, so here are the savage priest info you guys have been asking me for:

The basic unit:

And the two advanced units, side by side:

Their stats seem to be basically the same... A bit of HP and a bit of attack and defense changes, but those probably won't make a big difference. It's their abilities that make the difference.

So it's the classic choice of whether you want to buff attack, or reduce enemy defense.
I cannot decide...



Barfoot VS Sarky

I have had pretty negative opinions toward Barfoot, but these have changed upon looking at his troops. Giving them a dream necklace and keeping them from danger seems like a good idea for me...
Time to see if Barfoot is up to the test.

So... the big clash begins!


If Barfoot's troops and him can outdamage Sarky + minions, than I will use him. If they fail, then I will use Sarky.
As usual, this will be tested against a fellow guild member.

Barfoot Get!

Got Barfoot, and my collection is complete once more.
Even better: got Barfoot from a silver refresh that was free :D

Monday, January 4, 2016

The Mini Warriors Zodiac

The Chinese calendar has a zodiac where twelve animals each take turns to be the animal of the year, and just as a joke, I think we can apply this to Mini Warriors.
Last year, 2015, was the year of the musketeers.
This year, 2016, is the year of the pikemen.

Random jokes for the win!

Charles the Great + Adv. Cavalry

After obtaining Charles the Great, I have begun to think about combining him with either Shock Cavalry or Templars. I think Shock Cavalry might be a good choice for Charles since he can resurrect his troops (in the middle of a fight, suddenly enemies' defense drops), but Templars might also be a good choice (have him run to the back as a semi-Terim type tank.

What are your opinions?

Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Mysterious Bunch

There are some characters who are referred to only once in the whole game...
Examples are Daria and Amos.
Read Barfoot and Alfred's Story sections.

Will these be new heroes? Or are these deleted heroes?
It remains a mystery...


Did Sarky always have this long of a cooldown?
I think 10 seconds, to be honest, is a bit too much...
7 seconds or less for me to this he is actually good.

Charles the Great Get!

There we go. Only Barfoot missing now.
The image broke ._________.
Anyways, looks like Charles is okay (better than Charles Martel).
Not sure if I should swap him in just yet...

Saturday, January 2, 2016


There are several heroes in this game I call "Has-Beens". These heroes have been good but have lost popularity due to newer heroes.

-Hero (Heroes that replaced the hero)

-Carter (GDR and Cedric)
-Gawain (Ignatius and Achilles)
-Joan (Octavius)
-Shazzo (GDR and Alash)
-William (Seamas and  Octavius)
-Galahad (Hyacinth and Cantello)
-Lancelot (Hyacinth and Cantello)
-Cannon (Cantello)
-Three-Star Musketeers (Sarky, Terim, and Edward)
-Leonidas (Achilles and Ignatius)
-Morgana (Circe)


Now that Cantello exists, is there any use for Cannon anymore? Or has he just turned into a has-been hero?

Friday, January 1, 2016

Advanced Units Comparison

I've been getting a lot of request for an advanced units comparison, and unfortunately I feel like doing one would not be possible.
First of all, different heroes have different units that would be better for them.
And, you might use different advanced units based on your strategy. (William as Crusader for some, but I give him Scutarii).
This is similar to create a Best Heroes list, just as every hero has their own weaknesses and strengths, each advanced unit has their own weaknesses and strengths.

So there will be not Adv. Units Comparison.

Fuxi Comparisons

I'll do the boots later, this post is entirely about the chestplate.

So I logged in and saw this:

So I obviously had to try it, and obtained a Fuxi Armor after completing all of the stages.
To be honest, it doesn't look that good. I'm not quite sure why I'd want to use it.

So I tried to match it against other armors. I was considering it's attack, and matched it against the Solar Armor.

Hmm... just that one luck better.

So I considered it's luck, but it is not better than the Pharoah's Cape.
But so far I've been comparing it against the five-star gear. Against a four-star gear, it probably is not much better.
It is better than Black Mail (92 defense doesn't do a lot).
Against Glorious or Dragonscale, it probably will be worse.
I don't know. I can't think of any good uses.
Can anyone else think of some?

Fuxi Armor?

This armor looks interesting...
Fuxi was a Chinese mythological figure.

Happy New Year's!
