Sunday, January 17, 2016

Inactive Players

Alright, it has come to my attention that there are quite a few inactive players in O2TE at this moment. So, what will happen is that people that are not active will be removed (active players is a requirement of the guild).
How can you prove you are active? Simple. Just send a message in the guild chat within the next week.
Current people that have already sent messages:
glad2, Andres, puwsybause, TheNoobArmy, and Bazzerellie.


  1. Im a level 66 i have 17 4 star heroes how do i join your guild

  2. If you want to prove it here list name, and unknown we are full right now but will have some open slots soon, btw this is glad2

  3. Let me know when you have spot free. Lvl 120 here.

  4. I would also gladly joined your guild lvl 146.

  5. Sorry i dont chat much the clan chat feature in this game is not very good :/

  6. Active daily just posting here to make sure im not booted. IGN Pixel

  7. Active daily just posting here to make sure im not booted. IGN Pixel
