Sunday, January 31, 2016

Triniti Let Me Down

Mini Warriors 2.0....
I was expecting more bug fixes and additions that people suggested...

Bug Fixes in 2.0:

1. Fix the bug that Circe's skill description is inconsistent with the real effect 
2. Fix the bug that savage cavalry 's stunning effect covers halo stunning 
3. Fix the incorrect English description about the Dizzy Shot
4. Fix the bug in the hero adventure quest
5. Fix the bug that some descriptions are too long for displaying

Do those even exist? I've never seen anyone with those bugs and there seem to be much more major bugs than these....


  1. You make a point of not spending any money on this game. How can you be "let down" by something being provided to you free?

    1. The online definition of "let down" is "a disappointment or a feeling of disappointment".
      And that's what happened.
