Thursday, September 10, 2015


I'm wondering if Urza could potentially work with Philinus, just like Reinhard. Perhaps he wouldn't be the best of choices, but for those who have no other good heroes, Urza could serve as a decent tank until Reinhard is obtained. Anyone have any different opinions?


  1. He is decent considering that he comes back from the dead but if the enemy troop is to fast he will be bypasted making a hole in your front line.

    1. But also a hole in theirs! Nope, just kidding, he gets killed before that happens.

  2. Trust me I've tried to use him in the front lines but half the time the enemy's troops are to fast and go straight into my glass cannons,

    1. With Phil he can be good, though.

      Still, Reinhard = 10 Urzas

  3. Urza's rebirth time is too long and his minions usually die before him. So when Urza rebirths, no one will around him and he will run like a manic to backlines and get killed super quick. Phil is usually out-of-reach when Urza is running around.

    Phil prefers good boys like Reinhard who stands in the same place for the entire battle.
