Sunday, August 9, 2015

Cash Crashers

Some people who overly spend cash can just crash your plans completely. This guy spent $1,000 just so I couldn't defeat him in Mini Warriors. Personally that $1,000 would be much better used on something more productive. (I know he spent $1,000 because he has Uriah, which costs $1,000 to buy)


  1. Did u tailor made ur rally against this guy/girl?

    1. ?

      Sorry, I don't understnad what u r asking

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. hes asking if you tweaked your rally to fight there's. honestly I would have made some changes.
      GDR would have been much better placed to counter merlin and reinhard seems kinda wasted up at the top unless you were hoping to counter Uriah's ability (which isn't even that powerful).
      Putting william in a line against Merlin and 2 cavalry seems like a death sentence leaving sarky and nicolai unprotected.

      (top row blank)
      (Same as before)
      (blank)(blank)Joan Ignatius
      Nicolai Sarky Leonidas GDR
      Azod Phil Reinhard (blank)
      Lancelot Liz (blank) william
      (same as before)

      I switched joan and ignatius so the cavalry engages the pikeman and not infantry.
      Leonidas as long as he has high dodge can last pretty long and hes my favorite for dealing with HERO tanks such as kelly and merlin.

      just my 2 cents.

    4. Well, I discovered a few things after trying some of the things you suggested.
      1-His Merlin is WEAK. And by weak, I mean a couple Nicolai procs killed that Merlin.
      2-GDR did eexcellent in killing his Ignatius and Edward.

      Also, I put Reinhard against an empty row so that he could survive longer, because personally I think he is a bit hit-or-miss until you get skill level 12 for him. Once Belthor polymorphed, GDR's skill had no effect while Edward destroyed the sheep. So, overall, I was surprised when I lost.

      EDIT: Wait, I lost because of the 3:00 timer. Couldn't destroy that army fast enough. Darn it.
