Saturday, August 1, 2015


Today, I got two goblets. After using them, I finally accomplished my Mini Warriors life goal. The one hero, who has evaded me for so lon- ah whatever.

Forget the speech, I GOT NICOLAI!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait a second.... since I won't put money into this game, that eliminates my chances of Merlin or Uriah. But.... that means I only have 10 MORE FOUR STARS TO GO!!!!!!

Edward, Bellerophon, Edward IV, Alash, Octavius, Cannon, Summers, Terim, Ragnar I don't have. Mary Read, Manto, Saladin, and Achilles later. Hmm... there is one more though.....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Tomorrow we are getting two energy runes? What are those used for? I'm fairly new to the game and I haven't ever seen them before..

    1. Ah yes, the energy runes. They are used fror upgrading hero skills to level 11 and 12, but they are only usable if the hero is past lvl 150.

    2. thanks trinity, those will be so useful to me in 2 years.

  3. Congrats on getting Nicolai! He has been very useful in my rally. I achieved a life goal as well today. I finally got Cannon! I put him in place of Kelly even though I only leveled him up to 32. I maxed out his skill (not BoK that's still level one). I look forward to him kicking some ass down the road!
