Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Three and Four

Does this game regard three-stars and four-stars as the same general "class" of hero? Per se, when some people get all the three stars, those people often never get four-stars for a good while. Then, wouldn't releaseing all your three-stars give you better odds? After all, the game says three and four-star heroes are both "good".


  1. 3 and 4 stars are mutually exclusive of each other. Thus, collecting or not collecting 3 stars should have no difference to your odds in getting a 4 star.

    1. Are they mutually exclusive, however? If you haven't seen the game's tavern code, how do you know if it really is or isn't as you say.

  2. no one but the designers of the game know for sure, notice how I hedged with the *should have no difference comment.

    if the game is designed with normal statistics, what has already occurred should have no bearing on future outcomes. Just because you have gotten 1 or 25 4 stars in the past, your odds of getting your next 4 star remains the same, at whatever the drop rate the designers have set. Look up the gambler's fallacy. This is thrown out the door if the designers base future drops based on your army.

    1. And that second circumstance is EXACTLY what I suspect because my greatest hero streak was when I believed in firing all my three-stars.

  3. I have released most of my 3-star heroes to see if this works. I've been having some really bad luck on getting good heroes lately with 17 4-stars and over 60 3-stars,

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
