Sunday, October 18, 2015

A Message to the Community

Post 500! :)

Check out Kenny Plays Games' post on this same subject on his blog.

I'm working with Kenny Plays Games to solve one of the biggest problems ever posed the Mini Warriors community. This problem is itself.

Yes, you heard me right. The community is steadily going downhill, and sooner or later this game will die from a lack of a decent community. The two of us, being quite attached players to this game, have decided to work to boost the poor community.

First problem-newer players are not feeling welcome and/or are not encouraged to play further. Often, newer players find the game complex and brutal, and fail to understand simple aspects of the game that can make the game easier and more fun, but, since there is so much to do, newer players tend to make major mistakes early on. I'm going to admit it, there was a time when I used two-stars over three-stars.

I highly encourage all of you readers out there to spread word about Mini Warriors, and recruit others to join this game and to play it through. Newer players feel that they have terrible and worthless rallies, and when they see better players discouraging use of some heroes, they feel they have not been lucky and their heroes are not good enough. Lacking a method to start over, many simply quit. So, what we must do is to encourage the newer community. Better players, find newer players and encourage them as much as you can, and give them as much help as possible. 

Second problem-shaving off the top. I expect many will not understand what I mean by that. What I am trying to describe is that the Mini Warriors community is like a pyramid. The bottom and biggest chunk of the pyramid is the newer player section, consisting of people from PL 0 - PL 30. A middle chunk consists of people from PL 30 - PL 80. There is a middle-high chunk from PL 80 - PL 150, and then the tip of the pyramid, PL 150+. There are many very pro people who are quitting because they do not find the game interesting enough anymore. This is discouraging to newer players. If one starts a game, one typically does not want to see professionals quitting left, right, and center. 

The fix for this one is harder. It will be difficult to prevent pros from quitting, although I'm thinking this is because of poor performance on Triniti's part.


  1. Things not so bad as they seem. You are always welcome in the Myst guild, Richie, if you are an android player.

    1. Sorry, I'm a what I call "YOLOSOLO", basically a lone wolf that experiments everything by himself or with a very select group of people around him...
      Thanks for the offer, anyway!

  2. Thank you for a lot of useful information Rich! :D

    1. No problem!
      Thank you for being a reader of this blog!
