Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Chariot Lord

I believe I now have an explanation for one of the most ancient mysteries of Mini Warriors.

The chariot lord.

My theory/explanation is based off of the fact that Uriah and the Chariot Lord are never shown at the same time. When there is the Griffin Knight version of Uriah, the Chariot Lord does not exist. But when there is the Chariot Lord, there is not Griffin Knight.

So, my theory is that the Chariot Lord is ACTUALLY URIAH. There are small counters against this, but so far I have found nothing I can't counter. Anyways, it would make sense to have such a OP-looking hero worth 1000 US Dollars.

Post your opinion on this tough warrior below!
If you try to contradict me, I will debate against your contradictions, but please, only friendly debate!


  1. Replies
    1. Wait are 5 stars a thing soon? I'm trying to save up gems so id like something to splurge on

    2. I don't work at Triniti, I wouldn't know this stuff.
