Monday, October 12, 2015

Rally Page-FIXED!

Okay, apparently a page can only fit 100 comments... I'm deleting all the comments and restarting the page. Sorry for the inconvenience everyone!


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  2. Hey Rich,

    Thanks for the great work you've been doing to upkeep the community. Seems like you've had your hands full with both enjoying the game yourself and helping us enjoy the game as well. You helped me on my rally early on and have said that improving my rally proved difficult due to my lack of 4-star heroes. I have to say that I have no further luck on attaining extra 4-star heroes since then (except that I got Urza, but she was free - I forgot what I did). However, I have gotten some useful 3-star heroes that might make it easy. Please help me anywhere you can. I will upload an image of my rally.

    In this rally I have:
    Lv54 Hyacinth Lv8 Active
    Lv54 Urza Lv7 Active
    Lv54 William Lv10 Active
    Lv53 CMartel Lv7 Active
    Lv54 Ophelia Lv5 Active --> is Curse of Weakness useful?
    Lv53 Renshaw Lv7 Active --> Still unsure what Wrath of Sparta does.
    Lv53 Rodney Lv1 Active
    Lv53 Harlan Lv8 Active --> I very much enjoy polymorph mages, but my placement seems weak.
    Lv53 Alfred Lv7 Active
    Lv53 Rowan Lv8 Active
    Lv53 Azod Lv8 Active
    Lv52 Roderick Lv3 Active --> Not entirely sure how much to invest into his ability.
    Lv52 Harold Lv2 Active
    Lv52 Primo Lv1 Active --> With a skill that deadly, is it worth investing in upgrades?
    Lv50 Marshal Lv3 Active
    Lv47 Dean Lv8 Active

    Other 3-star champs I have in hand are

    Englefield, Bernard, McCue, Hingston, Donald, Marlon, Noah, and Baron

    Also, is it worth spending tCrystals on tavern gold refreshes, since I'm having less luck attaining golden goblets. I believe I am in the farming phase of the game as well. So these couple of days, when I do play, I have just been trying to raise my prestige level and getting drops (for upgrades). What do you think I should be doing?

    Sorry for the long post. Thanks for all your help!


    2. Also a few more things to add: I am prestige level 53. I have read your older posts and how you have deleted your 3-star heroes (out of some sort of call from God haha), how are you completing your hero adventure quests, where it requires you to drop alot of random heroes to fulfill some requirements? Also, which upgrade from the academy is most worth investing in. I have a lv3 militia that I dont find much useful anymore. a Lv3 healing circle that I don't see doing much sometimes, and lv6 Ninja that I use quite often. Lv1 Explosion and Giants, I'm not sure if further upgrades are worth it. and a Lv3 Mist that I find quite useful. What do you think?

      Sorry for all these questions. Thank you for your help!

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