Monday, October 19, 2015

Set Complete!

Got Terim today with a bronze refresh, meaning I now have every single four-star except for Merlin and Uriah (not available for free), Manto and Mary Read (not available yet), and Cannon (still working to get him.



  1. Yeah! That's nice Rich! I just need seamas to have all the 4* heroes, except the same of you. Because I have not spent money on the game, and I will not do it.

    1. But, I have Cannon. So in other news, I have created a blog of Mini Warriors for the Spanish community. I Said the news to Kenny and I hope we can boost the popularity of the game in different languages. :) the URL is: actually is in Spanish, but you can translate the page, And tell me what you think about it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yeah, I have all of them except those ones and Octavius. How do you get him?

    1. I think you need to complete 1000 daily quest, but I'm not sure.

    2. Yeah thats what it is. I just unlocked the quest today.

  4. Replies
    1. Nice, isn't he epic? I got him a day ago, and his stone warrior ability really tanks the front lines. I love him. I'm prestige 39, so yeah. Oh yeah, should I cut out Roderick? You know, the savage infantry guy? I kinda invested quite a lot in him, but i can still afford to ccut him or something. should i or not?
