Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Failed Rally Analysis #1-Callum

"If you're not making mistakes, then you're not doing anything. I'm positive a doer makes mistakes"
-John Wooden

I'm starting this new series to analyze a failed rally (one that failed against a battle) and why it failed. After all, we learn from our mistakes. By the way, if you would like me to analyze your failure, just send me your image of your rally VS the enemy rally and I will tell you just what happened.

Today's FRA is a battle between Callum and NiNjAMaN (who actually reads my blog).

So, why did this fail? Greater army power, but less strategy.

  • Alash VS Achilles is NEVER a good idea. Achilles is the perfect counter for Alash.
  • Why is Gilles in the row with just a Reinhard? He'd be better off going against that enemy Gilles and Sarky instead of against Reinhard.
  • Saladin seems kinda wasted just buffed an Alash, Terim, and Nicolai. He'd do better with Ignatius.
  • What is Morgana doing in the second row? She could probably do a lot better silencing Sarky or Philinus (and thus preventing him from healing Reinhard)
  • Eugene as the sole tank against Lancelot, Ignatius AND Seamas is a terrible idea. Putting Hyacinth and maybe Lancelot/Leonidas into that row for extra tanking ability isn't a bad idea.
  • Terim just behind Alash, in my opinion, is not a good idea. Firstly Terim, if used behind Alash, should have extra melee in that row and should be behind the extra melee. On top of that, I would put Terim against Sarky along with Gilles to ensure that Sarky is countered well.
There are two things I want to note that are good though.
  • Elizabeth is used to counter Philinus + Reinhard combo.
  • Ignatius is a good way to kill Gilles.
Should I continue this series?


  1. Yes. Continue. Your image in this post is broken.

  2. Yes and you image on this post doesn't work

  3. Elizabet will be too far from Reinhard in this rally. At the start of the battle she will attack Hyacinth, her skill range is 300.

  4. Also there are more mistakes. Callum's Reinhard may not survive even for first 20 seconds. Yes, he could use a fog on him, but it is a waste. And I prefer to use polymages near my pikemen.

  5. Wow did not expect my name on here lol, but thank you for using it. Is callum another member that reads your blog?

  6. Continue please this is help to lower levels, not me I'm 76
