Sunday, November 29, 2015

My Guild, My Rules

Just so you guys know, apparently there is going to be a guild chat, so I'm creating a few rules about what type of people I'm looking for in my guild.

No swearing/explicitness.
And you gotta be active.
Other than that I'm fine.


  1. Replies
    1. Also, we can create an Union with Kenny! That could be awesome!

    2. Sounds good.
      To join, you have to tell me your IGN and why you want to join.

    3. My IGN is: TheNoobArmy, and I want to join because I want to have fun with people who love the game!. I'm very active, I play every day, My PL is 115.

  2. Bazzerellie and I want to join because I'm turbo mega nails.

    End of chat 😁

  3. Just to mark sure I commented on your last guild post but its glad2 rank 76 and want to make a gpod clan

  4. Hi, my name is Luca, and my IGN is LucaL. I am not usually someone that use social network nor appreciate any social game but I would like to give this evolution of MW a try.
    I am currently at PL 124 and in the mist of transforming my rally into a full late-level beast (ehm...not as of yet of course...).
    Anywho I would like to be part of the "Insert-template-here" guild (although I like the one that you are pushing for: Order of the élites. Sounds like some of my tryout for my thesis title).
