Sunday, November 15, 2015

Rabbit VS Turtle

There are two types of leveling in this game. You can level quickly (like a rabbit) or you can level slowly (like a turtle). Most of you may know that there is a story about a rabbit and a turtle in a race. The rabbit ran way ahead of the turtle, but stopped to sleep and the turtle eventually defeated the rabbit by not stopping. Thus, slow and steady wins the race. In Mini Warriors, something similar is necessary.

For example, leveling quickly will cause many to stop leveling so quickly eventually (when you notice your army power starting to lack compared to those around you). I feel like this is happening to me at the moment.

Leveling slowly, on the other hand, means all your heroes and minions alike are maxed. However, leveling too slowly somewhat prevents progress to a certain degree. The reason I said "something similar is necessary" is because, although leveling slower is somewhat better than leveling quickly (in the long run), a balance is still needed to ensure you actually do progress.

I am not at a point where I can say that this is true completely, but hopefully there is enough truth in it to help some of you. And those at higher PLs than me can confirm or deny.


  1. The best way to lvl up in this game (since 1.8.5) is by not playing. I only play pvp, colecting things that I really need without wasting energy with keys or chest, just scrolls and materials :D only 5 minutes twice a day :P
